The Company is sourcing supply from multiple sources which include, lithium brine assets, produced water from oil and gas producers, and technical or crude grade lithium. By utilizing a “hub and spoke” refinery model, the Company believes it can scale production more efficiently by:

Raw Materials
Lithium Brine (Produced Water) Supply
This is an innovative approach to secure lithium feedstock, as there are substantial concentrations of lithium in certain areas of oil and gas production. This recycling of a wastewater has a lower environmental footprint. The sourcing of feedstock from produced water has several advantages, including limiting exploration risk as the water is already produced, limiting risks in obtaining permits, as the wells are already in production, localizing DLE creates logistical efficiency, and helping diversify supply while the Company integrates vertically.

Assets Development Supply
Securing feedstock through partnership or acquisitions will ensure vertical integration and add another supply-line to keep our refinery running at optimal capacity.

Technical or Crude Grade Lithium Supply
With the proliferation of lithium production, not only in the U.S. but across the globe, the Company is leveraging its network and strategic partnerships for sourcing this supply; additionally, by using a technical or crude grade supply-line for early supply, the Company believes it can limit upstream supply risk and demonstrate their ability to produce battery-grade products.